5th Street Complete Street Project

“The corridor’s primary business area in Tech Square is one of Atlanta’s busiest multi-modal streets, with an average of more than 15,000 pedestrians and 400 cyclists per day. According to a survey conducted by Midtown Alliance, more than 50% of visitors to the buildings in Tech Square arrive on foot.
“With more than 6 million square feet of office, residential and commercial development currently under construction in one square mile of Midtown, safe transportation options have never been more important,” said Midtown Alliance President and CEO Kevin Green.”
Our friends at TSW, along with Midtown Alliance and the City of Atlanta are continuing to work through the design, permitting, and engineering through 2020, and expect to break ground around this time next year.
There will be upgraded bike lanes, infill street trees, and much more to make the corridor between Williams and Myrtle safer and more pleasant for pedestrians. This is a great step for improving quality of life for our Midtown residents, and helping transition to a less car dominated city.
Read more about the project here and see the progress here.

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